House of Cards (2013-15)

House of Cards has its origins in a drawing which was developed into a maquette, then a full-scale structure, after the maquette was accepted for inclusion in the sculpture biennial Sculpture by the Sea, Aarhus (2015). 

The work is about containment, concealment and the psychological impact of dealing with unpredictability. It explores the sense of imminent collapse and potential devastation, the doubt and uncertainty and the watchfulness and self-reliance that result. The title House of Cards suggests architecture.  The architectural metaphor refers in part to the emotional framework of the subject in question, at risk of collapse yet possessing internal resilience, and in part to a coping strategy in which a façade is presented to conceal a complex, even shameful, interior. There is also an interest in the way damage to the psyche, to the emotional foundations, gets projected. The viewer may feel intrigued yet somewhat intimidated by this uncertain structure and a degree of trust and courage is required for them to get up close.